RAYNA, MERCEDES AND ASHE all earned inviations to the NADD/AKC/EUKANUBA National Championships.
Just earning an invitation to a National Championship is a great honor.
I am very proud to say that Rayna finished #5 and Mercedes #10 in the Novice Class with 32 entries. Their first show was a National Qualifier, Championships was their second show. I am so very proud of these young pups.
Rayna with a nice take off from the dock. She jumped over 13 feet.
Mercedes such a nice take off this was. She jumped over 11 feet.
Ashe did not make the Top 10, but there were 85 entries in the Masters Class. Most of the Top 10 in this class actually jumped Elite level distances. I am still very proud of how well he jumped. His form here is perfect! His personal best jump is 22 feet 6 inches.