RAE2 (RN, RA, RE) FDC AXP (NAP, OAP) NJP, OJP MFP (NFP, OFP, XFP) CA RATO (RATI, RN) DS DJ CGC TKA (TKN, TKI), AKC ACHIEVER DOG currently holds Twenty Six (26) AKC Titles and Certificates.
They are in:
- Earned 2 Invitations to the National Championships
- Novice (RN)
- Advanced (RA)
- Excellent (RE)
- Advanced/Excellent (RAE & RAE2)
- AKC Achiever Dog Certificate (Received Qualifying Scores in 3 different events within the show calendar year.)
- Barn Hunt
- Instinct-RATI
- Novice-RATN
- Open-RATO
She came into our lives in June 2010 from Ellendale Labradors in North Carolina. What a phenominal addition to our lives. She has so changed my life for the better and forever.
Since March 2012, Annie has earned 26 AKC Titles and Certificates-5 in Rally, 9 in Agility, 3 in Barn Hunt, 2 in Dock Diving, 1 in Lure Coursing, 3 in Trick, 1 Farm Dog, 1 CGC and AKCs Achiever Dog Certificate. She has also earned 2 Invitations to the AKC Rally Championships and 3 High Combined Achievements in Rally Advanced/Excellent Competition.
On 1 August 2013, she earned her Canine Good Citizen (CGC), 29 September 2013 she earned her first Lure Coursing Title in Coursing Ability (CA). October 2016 was a new event adventure called Barn Hunt. At this event she earned her Rat Instinct (RATI), Rat Novice (RATN) and Rat Open (RATO) Titles.
We have since earned her AKC Intermediate and Advanced Trick Dog Titles in the Spring of 2020 and her Farm Dog Title Summer of 2019.
She has also earned her North American Diving Dog (NADD) Junior and Senior Dock Diving Titles. This page is dedicated to Annie’s accomplishments.

What is Rally Novice? Check out this run of Annie’s. Novice is done on the leash.
Run One at Salt City March 2012
Run number two at Salt City March 2012-The Title Run
1st Rally Advanced Match-Geneva NY
Obviously we have some practicing to do. The ring next to us is running a Utility Dog Match. As you can see, Annie is a bit distracted. That has to do with the fact that the ring over there is ‘playing fetch’ a game that Annie is extremely competitive at. She wants that dumb bell SO BAD. At least she tried to pay attention to me. :0)
Something else that Annie LOVES to do is AGILITY.
Annie’s Standard run at Salt City Cluster in March 2012.
Weave poles are the most difficult to learn. That is why you get three tries at them. As of this date, this was our best run by far. I am very proud of it. We have since earned a Title in Novice FAST. Check out the links on the Agility and Rally pages.
- Novice Agility (NAP)
- Open Agility (OAP)
- Agility Excellent (AXP)
- Novice Fast (NFP)
- Open Fast (OFP)
- Excellent FAST (XFP)
- Novice Jumpers With Weaves (NJP)
- Open Jumpers With Weaves (OJP)
- Coursing Ability (CA)
- Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
- Farm Dog Certificate (FDC)
Dock Dogs
- DJ – Dock Junior
- DS – Dock Senior
Thank you to AJ Studios for the wonderful photos.
No photo but her most recent title is the AKC ADVANCED TRICK DOG.
We have not stopped here. Born 4 May 2010, our goal is to get her several other Titles

Annie’s Genetic Testing Results
- Centronuclear myopathy
Degenerative myelopathy - Narcolepsy
- Congenital macrothrombocytopenia
- Elliptocytosis
- Hyperuricosuria
- Myotubular myopathy
- Progressive retinal atrophy.
- Cone-rod dystrophy 4
- Pyruvate kinase deficiency
- Exercise Induced Collapse
- She is a carrier for Progressive retinal atrophy, Progressive rod-cone degeneration (PRA/PRCD).
Because she has never been paired with another carrier of this disease, her puppies will not be effected with it. Knowing this is at the top of our list of being a good breeder.
Annie’s Orthopedic Foundation For Animals (OFFA) Test results:
- HIPS: Good
- ELBOWS: Normal

We started in Rally at the Syracuse Obedience Training Club (SOTC) in Syracuse, NY January 2012

We finished Rally Advanced Excellent at the same place we started…SOTC! January 2015